Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of Steve Jensen.
My name as mentioned above is Steve Jensen Jr. I am located in Wilmington, Delaware and have been a resident since I was born on June 17, 1993. I grew up and around the Wilmington and Western Railroad and am one of their most dedicated volunteers. When I am not at Delcastle Technical High School learning my Welding trade, I spend me free time volunteering in the shop at Wilmington and Western Railroad. On the weekends, I can be found either on-board the train performing Brakeman or Trainman duties, or you might find me trackside at some local railroad. Most of my photography takes place at the W&W, but I do travel from time to time, and am constantly expanding to more railroads.
You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page. I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!
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